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Deep Plane Facelift Beverly Hills, CA

Deep Rejuvenation. Natural-Looking Results.

Deep Plane Facelift in Beverly Hills by Dr. Patrick Davis

Since its conception, surgical facial rejuvenation has offered the most substantial results by removing loose excess skin for a more taut, youthful look. However, the traditional facelift technique can sometimes result in a windswept or “done” appearance as it only addresses lax skin without restoring underlying tissues to their more youthful positions.

A Deep Plane Facelift offers a more comprehensive solution to signs of aging in the face, effectively addressing lax skin as well as underlying structural tissues for a naturally younger look. Dr. Patrick Davis offers his patients in Beverly Hills deep plane facelifts to help them achieve a more lifted, youthful look. The Deep Plane Facelift is the gold standard technique in facial rejuvenation.

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What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

A Better Approach to Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

Traditional facelifts involve removing excess skin & pulling it tight horizontally. Since gravity causes aging to occur vertically, this approach almost invariably produces tell-tale signs of surgical intervention. The face may appear ”worked on” as the skin is pulled in an unnatural direction, and the underlying tissues remain low on the face due to aging.

A Deep Plane Facelift focuses on vertical rejuvenation, effectively lifting the various components of the face in a way that appears far more natural. In contrast to the SMAS (superficial musculopaneurotic system) facelift, a Deep Plane Facelift lifts the skin and underlying tissues without separating them from each other, further enhancing its ability to deliver natural-looking results.

An added benefit of not separating the skin from the nourishing structures underneath allows for laser treatments to be performed on the face at the same time of the surgery as the skin has adequate blood supply. A Deep Plane Facelift is an effective technique for:

  • Enhancing chin definition
  • Restoring youthful facial volume
  • Reducing the appearance of jowls
  • Wrinkles and “crepey” skin in the neck
  • Smoothing fine lines and wrinkles in the mid and lower face
Beverly Hills deep plane facelift model with brown hair

What are the benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift?

Restore Your Naturally Youthful Appearance

A Deep Plane Facelift offers more significant & longer-lasting facial rejuvenation than a traditional facelift, in addition to the most natural-looking results. Furthermore, since the Deep Plane Facelift does not involve separating the skin from the underlying muscle, it involves a less involved recovery than a SMAS facelift. A Deep Plane Facelift can allow for:

  • Less bruising 
  • Better circulation
  • Better healing of incisions
  • Minimal lumps and bumps after surgery

With a Deep Plane Facelift with Dr. Patrick Davis, you won’t have to worry about the “windswept” look. You’ll simply look like a younger version of you, with no obvious signs of surgery. While a SMAS facelift focuses more on the lower face, a Deep Plane Facelift lifts the volume in the mid-face as well for both a deeper and farther-reaching rejuvenating effect.

Am I a good candidate for a Deep Plane Facelift?

Selecting The Right Treatment for Your Concerns

Candidates for a Deep Plane Facelift are those with significant signs of aging in the face, particularly severely lax skin that is beyond being treatable with non-surgical procedures. Ideal candidates for this procedure have concerns about aging throughout the mid and lower face. Dr. Davis also offers a Mid-facelift and Tri-Vector Deep Plane Facelift surgeries. If your concerns are fairly focused to the middle section of your face, a Mid-facelift offers a less invasive, targeted solution.

Oppositely, if your concerns extend to your neck, mid-face, and lower face jowls, a Tri-Vector Deep Plane Facelift allows you to address all of your concerns in one fell swoop. If you are interested in a Deep Plane Facelift, it is imperative that you are healthy enough to undergo surgery, with no underlying conditions that may impair your body’s ability to heal. Patients who smoke will need to quit several weeks before surgery to prevent complications.

Your Deep Plane Facelift Procedure

Dr. Patrick Davis Restores Your Naturally Youthful Look

A Deep Plane Facelift with Dr. Patrick Davis is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with deep sedation to ensure comfortable treatment.

As with a SMAS facelift, incisions are made behind the ears at the hairline and at the bottom of the ears. Through these incisions, Beverly Hills deep plane facelift provider, Dr. Davis will release underlying ligaments to lift and reposition the targeted musculature and tissues, including redistributing fat pads that often contribute to the appearance of jowls. Depending on the details of your procedure, your Deep Plane Facelift may also involve lifting the neck or other rejuvenating procedures. Procedures often performed alongside a Deep Plane Facelift include:

  • Neck lift
  • Dermal fillers
  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Facial fat transposition
  • Submental/neck liposuction
  • Upper or lower blepharoplasty

Your Deep Plane Facelift Recovery

What to Expect After Your Procedure

You should plan for about two weeks of social downtime after your Deep Plane Facelift. Following the procedure, you will need to sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling, promote healing, and prevent changes to your results. During your recovery for Deep Plane Facelift Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Davis, will closely monitor your progress to ensure that you heal properly before returning to strenuous activities.

Your Deep Plane Facelift Results

Impeccably Youthful

Ultimately, you can expect your Deep Plane Facelift to provide you with a beautifully restored, rejuvenated appearance. Most Beverly Hills deep plane facelift patient results last 10 to 15 years or longer before a touch-up procedure may be necessary to maintain their youthful appearance.

Schedule your Beverly Hills Deep Plane Facelift consultation with Patrick Davis, MD, today

Reverse the Effects of Aging With Results that Are Truly “You”

Dr. Patrick Davis offers the experience, aesthetic eye, and individualized approach to ensure that you achieve results that look seamless and exquisite.

During your consultation for deep plane facelift Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Davis will ask all of the necessary questions and listen attentively to gain the fullest understanding of how he can help you achieve your treatment goals in a way that reflects the inner you. Schedule your consultation for a Deep Plane Facelift in Beverly Hills, California, with Dr. Patrick Davis. Patrick Davis, MD, serves patients throughout the Los Angeles area.

Beverly Hills deep plane facelift model smiling


A Deep Plane Facelift offers more significant and natural-looking results, more comprehensive treatment, and longer-lasting rejuvenation than a traditional or SMAS Facelift. Dr. Davis is capable of performing multiple types of techniques including the SMAS Facelift, however the Deep Plane Facelift is the gold standard in modern day facelifting, with few surgeons actually performing them. Overwhelmingly, patients are thrilled with their Deep Plane Facelift results, as it delivers substantial rejuvenation without any obvious indications of having undergone surgery.

Many patients are surprised to learn that a Deep Plane Facelift is generally less painful than a traditional facelift. This is because it does not involve separating as much skin from the underlying tissues.

In general, patients may undergo more than one Facelift procedure over the course of their lifetime. However, the exact number of Facelifts any one patient can undergo depends on the condition of their concerns and medical history.

Schedule a Consultation

Every moment is an opportunity to grow, learn, and improve. Your new best emerges when you make the most of those opportunities. When it comes to Beverly Hills facial plastic surgery, Dr. Patrick Davis believes listening is better than selling. To him, the best plastic surgeons reveal themselves in the surgeries they prevent as well as the ones they perform. Before you choose to undergo plastic surgery, please reach out to Patrick Davis, MD, for a consultation, he truly wants to help you find your new best.

9440 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite #708, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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